Life @ SevenTEEN

By Chie Credo - Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Take a risk. Take a chance. Make a change. and Breakaway 󾌩󾬙󾬵

The most important thing a girl wears is her confidence. 󾬐󾬐󾬐

Says,"If you want a perfect girl.. go buy yourself a Barbie Doll. I am proud to be perfectly imperfect." ~ Sandy ☺✌
#JustCHiE <3

You can't change how people feel about you. so don't try. Just live your life and be happy. 󾌵󾌳󾌩󾆫󾮞󾍃
#JustCHIE 󾬓

Fake it until you make it. 
Klasi na ugma :3 :'(

#JustCHiE <3

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for 󾌬󾍉󾆫✌✌󾠔󾠓

Always remember that it's okay not to be perfect. ✌󾮚󾆫󾌨
(The tedium of doing nothing xD) 󾮝󾮝󾌨󾌨

Don't wait for a perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. 󾬘󾌬󾆯󾆫󾆤󾆶

Shy people are dangerous, most of them has an ability to know your whole personality immediately in just observing. 󾌵󾌩󾆫✌✌

Learn to appreciate who u really are because u are different and that uniqueness itself could make someone love u even more. :* ^_^ ^_^
#GummyBear <3

heart emoticon 

I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I'm not the girl that everyone had. ~ ☺☝Friday Stroll with girl friends.

Twitter and IG: @itschiecredo

Summer pose at Zamboanguita Plaza way back late March. (Send me chills!)

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